Baskara Theory of Astrology

Shri Gopalakrishna Rao (Meena) had done initial major contribution to the stellar astrology. He has subdivided all the 27 stars into 243 portions to indicate Kaalamsa positions of a star. Then Shri KS Krishnamurthy further went ahead on this and invented a new concept called Sublord theory (KP astrology). Based on his theory all 12 bhava positions are subdivided into 249 sublord positions. Extending the Shri KS Krishnamurthy theory, Thilak K. Baskaran introduced the cuspal interlinks concepts for the astrological analysis and it is called as Krishnamurthy-Baskaran System or KB astrology.

The core theory of Baskara Astrology is based on the principle, the star lord shows the event and the sub lord determines whether that event is favorable or unfavorable.

In Baskara astrology, if the cuspal sublord of any bhava has interlinks with the 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, and 11th bahvas to its position would always yield favorable results. Whereas with the 6 and 7th bhavas linkage to the position of concerned bhava would yield favorable results moderately. With the linkage of 4, 8, 10 and 12th bhavas to the concerned bhavas would always yield unfavorable results. web application uses the KB system for the analysis.


The intersection of the celestial equator and ecliptic path of the Sun results in two intersection points and the one of the point is called as Vernal Equinox. The Western astrology uses the Vernal Equinox as the point of reference which is known as the Tropical Zodiac (Sayana). Whereas the Indian system adopts a fixed star as the point of reference which is known as Sidereal Zodiac (Nirayana). The angular difference in the longitudes between the sidereal zodiac (Nirayana) and the tropical zodiac (Sayana) is called Ayanamsa. This difference is the result of the “wobble” in the Earth’s axis of rotation and thus there is a gradual shift from the vernal equinox. For each spring at the vernal equinox, the Sun does not return exactly to the same point of 0° Aries as observed from a fixed star and misses by a tiny amount of 50.2388475 seconds per year according to Newcomb. This phenomenon is known as precession of the Vernal Equinox. But this tiny difference accumulates over the year and now (2015), the discrepancy between these two systems is about 24°.

Nirayana Longitude = Sayana Longitude – Ayanamsa

To compute the Sidereal Zodiac, the ayanamsa has to be subtracted from the Sayana longitude to get the Nirayana longitude. There are different ayanamas values used by the researchers that because of the different Epoch year is used. Epoch year is the one where the ayanamsa value is zero. For example, Surya Siddhantha uses 490AD, Lahiri uses 285AD, Krishnamurthy use 291AD as epoch year.

In stellarastroloy webapp, the KP Straight Line Ayanamsa (KPSTLA) is used as the default anyanamsa. The KPSTLA epoch year is 291AD and the annual precession rate (50.2388475 seconds) is applied, but the Adjustment Rate of Precession Rate (0.000111 seconds) is not applied.
The following formula is used to calculate the ayanamsa using KPSTLA.

#Y = Number of years elasped for the given date from epoch year 15th April, 291AD
#D = Number days elasped for the given date from 15th April

T2 = ((#D/365d) * NEWCOMB_PRECESSION_RATE)/3600

KPSTLA Ayanamsa = T1 + T2

The choice of ayanamsa varies to different astrologers and that is the reason for the same birth details there might be two different types of horoscopes. It is recommended that regardless of the ayanamsa type used, always ensure that the generated horoscope is corrected by birth rectification techniques or ruling planets or confirm with the past events.

Stellar Astrology – An Introduction

Stellar astrology is an advancement of the vedic astrology. In astrology the 360° zodiac belt is divided into 12 zodiacs signs of each 30°.  Similarly the 360° zodiac belt is divided as 27 star divisions of each 13° 20′. Further each star division 13° 20′ is divided into 4 equal parts of each 3° 20 which is known as padas. Hence each zodiac sign has 9 padas. Check zodiac division post more about this.

Vedic astrology, which is used during an Astrology Character Reading Consultation Session, the astrological interpretation is restricted based on the placement of the planet in the zodiac sign, whereas in stellar astrology the interpretation is based on the star/constellation in which the planet is placed within the zodiac sign. For example, if a planet is in Aries sign then there is chance that it can be in any one of the three constellations Ashwini, Bharani or Krittika, so the planet performs the actions differently according to which constellation it is deposited.

Each constellation is owned by a planet and it is called as star lord. Further each constellation is divided into 9 parts and each part is owned by the planet which is called as sub lord. Stellar astrology uses Placidus system of house division and explores to the level of sub lords with respect to the planet position status in the zodiac. In stellar astrology, the astrological analysis is done by considering the star and sub lords and the inter-links among them with respect to the sign they occupied. Thus stellar astrology is systematic and very well defined for accurate astrological analysis.

Cuspal and Cuspal Interlinks

Cuspal is the beginning point of each house.

The zodiac house division consists of 12 houses and the Aries sign is considered as the first house and moreover each house is divided equally into 30°.  In the horoscope, the first house is the one where Lagna falls, usually the starting or mid point of that house is consider as cuspal beginning and the subsequent cuspal points are derived by adding 30°. However in stellar astrology, cuspal beginning point is the consider as the Lagna point and further divisions is done according to Placidus House Division house division. Each division i.e. house is termed as Bhavas. The bhavas are being divided based on the concept of long (32°) and short (28°) ascension periods as per Placidus. Hence the formation of bhavas do not maintain its uniform distribution and vary throughout in its longitudinal positions.

Each cuspal point can be represented as {Sign Lord – Star Lord – Sub Lord – Sub-Sub Lord}. For example, the cuspal point 140° 18′ 11” falls in Leo sign so it can be represented as {Sun – Venus – Jupiter – Jupiter}. Suppose the star lord for certain bhavas or cuspal points are same then it is considered as connected known as Cuspal Interlinks. In stellar astrology, the sub lord cuspal interlinks is given more importance.

Zodiac Divisions – Sign Lords, Star Lords, Sub Lords

As the time is divided into hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, … the zodiac is also divided into an hierarchical divisions. The initial level zodiac division is 12 parts each denoted as zodiac signs of 30°. For each zodiac sign, a planet is assigned as a sign lord. Except Sun and Moon, other seven planets get ownership of two zodiac signs. For example Mars is the sign lord of Aries and Scorpio. The astrological significant nine planets is taken into further levels of divisions. The entire zodiac is divided into 27 (9 x 3) divisions and it is called nakshatra divisions. Similar to the sign, each nakshatra has ownership lord which will be one of the nine planets, it is called as Star Lord. For example, Ketu is the star lord for Ashwini, Maga and Mula nakshatras. Further each nakshatra is divided into 9 parts as per Vimshottari Dasha period length and each part is owned by a planet which is called as Sub Lord. Again, Sub Lord portion is divided in a similar fashion into 9 parts denoting Sub-Sub Lord.

For better understanding, the following figure shows how the Aries sign is divided as star and sub lords. In similar fashion the other signs in the zodiac belt is divided.

Zodiac sign division showing the Aries sign division with star and sub lords

Similar to the time accuracy like 11:30:34 145 (11 hour, 30 minutes, 34 seconds, 145 milliseconds), the astrological accuracy is done as Sign Lord, Star Lord, Sub Lord, Sub-Sub Lord for the given zodiac point. For example, the zodiac point 6° 50′ 53” can be astrologically represented as Mars (Aries – Sign Lord), Ketu (Ashwini – Star Lord), Rahu (Sub Lord), Venus (Sub-Sub Lord). This approach helps in distinguishing the twin births cases and other ambiguities in the astrological calculation.

Astrology and Life

From the exploration of the correlation of celestial bodies in the sky to the seasonal patterns, humankind extended the astrology as a science and tool to predict the events of the human life. As the human body functions are composed of voluntary and involuntary functions, so the life is composed of fate and free-will. Astrology as a science dissects how the fate and free-will is intertwined in one’s life. Astrology works based on the Karma theory with the assumption that the planets/stars has influence on human beings life. Beyond the life events prediction, astrology allows to explore one’s own identity and the philosophy of the life. site helps people who are interested in astrology to explore the astrology with modern stellar system approach.